United Republic of Mars

United Republic of Mars Flag

About the URoM

The United Republic of Mars is a democratic country governing the entirety of Mars.


The Martian Constitution acts as supreme law of the United Republic of Mars.


The Justice Act and Laws of the United Republic of Mars act as the governing laws of society.

Rover Simulation

Experience life on Mars in a rover simulator, where you play as a researcher completing tasks that will be vital to the survival of the country.

Martian Constitution

Section 1: Constitution Outline

The Martian Constitution acts as supreme law of the United Republic of Mars, consisting of the Martian Constitution Act, 2021, the Martian Charter of Entrenched Rights and Freedoms, the Martian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and any future constitution acts passed intra vires.The Martian Constitution Act, 2021, list constitutional laws, and outlines how the United Republic of Mars is to be run. All laws apart of the United Republic of Mars Justice Act must align with the laws apart of the Martian Constitution and other acts apart of the Martian Constitution.The Martian Charter of Entrenched Rights and Freedom is absolute, and no passages written into the charter can be altered, removed, or modified in any other way remove the rights and freedom listed in the charter.

Section 2: Constitutional Amendment

Amendments can only be made to the constitution after passing a majority vote for by the public and an overwhelming majority vote for from the members of the Senate.

Martian Constitution Act, 2021

Section 1: The Structure of the Government

  1. The United Republic of Mars is formed as a democratic country. The country is divided into 3 powers: federal, provincial, and municipal in order from greatest power to least power.

  1. Municipal law and jurisdiction is decided by municipal governments, and must align with the law of provincial and federal governments, and the constitution.

  2. Provincial law and jurisdiction is decided by provincial governments, and must align with the law of federal government and the constitution.

  3. Federal law and jurisdiction is decided by the federal government, and must align with the constitution except proposed modifications to the constitution.

  1. The head of the government; titled prime minister is elected by a democratic vote by citizens of the United Republic of Mars.

  1. The prime minister is responsible for the general day-to-day leadership of Mars and the peace and order of the people.

  2. The prime ministers serve for two Mars revolutions beginning on the 1st sol of Phoenix and ending on the 28th sol of Tucana on the Utopian calendar, unless in a time of war or national emergency.

  3. The prime minister’s position may be overthrown at any time by a public vote of overwhelming majority.

  1. Laws added, modified, or removed to/from the United Republic of Mars’ Justice Act must me agreed upon by the public in a majority vote.

  1. Laws must not infringe with the rights and freedoms outlined in the Martian Constitution.

  2. Laws must pass a vote determined by citizens in majority and be finalized by the Senate through a majority vote.

  1. The Senate consists of 100 seats of elected officials by the people.

  1. Seats are filled by the division of Mars into 100 distinct ridings, citizens of each riding elect 1 member running for the Senate to be Senate leader for that riding.

  1. The Senate must sit and hold discussions at least every two months.

  1. The Senate must acknowledge and finalize laws voted on by the people.

  2. The Senate must acknowledge and begin the voting process for complaints and changes brought of by the people.

  1. Religion and the government are separate; religion must not be the sole reason for the creation, removal, modification of laws or parts of the constitution.

Section 2: Distribution of Legislative Powers

  1. The federal government has legislative authority over:

  • The land,

  • Air space and travel within the air space,

  • Banking,

  • Bankruptcy,

  • The borrowing of money on the Public Credit,

  • The census,

  • Citizenship, residency, and visa's,

  • Currency, coinage, bank notes, and legal tender,

  • Education

  • Federal budget,

  • Federal law,

  • Federal taxation,

  • Marriage and divorce,

  • Measurement systems,

  • The military and defence branches,

  • Patents, copyrights, and trademarks,

  • Property rights,

  • Provincial districts,

  • Quarantine,

  • The national postal service,

  • The establishment, maintenance, and management of federal prisons,

  • The salaries and allowances of federal government members,

  • National police forces

  • National spy agencies

  • Trade and commerce.

  1. The federal government has legislative authority over:

  • Provincial laws,

  • Provincial taxes,

  • The borrowing of money on the Credit of the Province,

  • The establishment, maintenance, and management of hospitals, asylums, orphanages, abortion clinics and similar medical institutions.

  • Municipal districts,

  • The management and lease of public lands,

  • The establishment, maintenance, and management of provincial prisons,

  • Licenses

  • Management of public spaces

  • Public transportation,

  • Private transportation,

  • The salaries and allowances of provincial government members.

Martian Charter of Entrenched Rights and Freedoms

Section 1: The Rights of the People

All people in the jurisdiction of the United Republic of Mars except for people identified as enemies of the state have the right to:

  1. Equality and prevention from discrimination, harassment, or targeting by the government, institutes, organizations, or other people in regard to a persons:

  • Age,

  • Beliefs (excluding religious or similar beliefs),

  • Disabilities (mental or physical),

  • Ethnicity,

  • Expression,

  • Gender identity,

  • Language

  • Marital status,

  • Personal associations (except for associations apart of illegal activities),

  • Physical appearance,

  • Relationships (except for people apart of illegal activities),

  • Race,

  • Sex,

  • Sexual orientation,

  • Socio-economic status.

  1. The freedom to express religion, except for the expression of religious beliefs that interfere with the rights or discriminate against others such as: Islamic discrimination or acts of violence against people of homosexual/bisexual/etc. sexual orientations.

  1. The following freedoms in regard to a person’s interaction with the government, institutes, organizations, or other people:

  • Life,

  • Clean water,

  • Live in any municipality,

  • Marriage to anyone regardless of the persons features outlined in S1P1 at the age of sixteen or older,

  • Mobility,

  • Peaceful assembly,

  • Security,

  • Speech,

  • Work anywhere.

  1. The right to not be tortured or subject to cruel or unusual punishment.

Section 2: The Rights of the Planet

The environment has a right to:

  1. A healthy life.

  1. Low production of carbon emissions and other pollution.

  1. Retention of at least 20% of the natural resources at all time.

  1. No storage, use, production of any nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction.

Martian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Section 1: The Rights of the People

All people in the jurisdiction of the United Republic of Mars except for people identified as enemies of the state have the right to:

  1. The right to be involved in democracy:

  • The right to vote in federal, provincial, and municipal elections at the age of sixteen or older,

  • The right to vote on laws at the age of sixteen or older,

  • The right to run for power in government at the age of sixteen or older.

  1. The right to move freely, remain in, and leave except for illegal migration or times of natural emergency.

  1. The right to access free education.

  1. The right to access free healthcare.

  1. The right to privacy from others.

Section 2: The Rights of the Planet

The environment has a right to:

  1. The use of only renewable energy sources.

  1. The preservation of water.

Justice Act

Section 1: The Rights of the People in Regard to Justice

All people in the jurisdiction of the United Republic of Mars except for people identified as enemies of the state have the right to:

  1. Be assumed as innocent until proven guilty.

  2. Not be detained or imprisoned without good reason.

  3. Not be searched or have possessions seized without good reason.

  4. Their identity being concealed until a guilty verdict is determined.

  5. A fair trial without any bias.

  6. Be informed without unreasonable delay of the offence committed.

  7. The right to a lawyer at no cost if requested.

  8. The right to an interpreter at no cost if requested.

Section 2: Laws

  1. Laws can only come into effect after a passing a majority vote for by the public and an overwhelming majority vote for from the members of the Senate.

  2. The legal age in the United Republic of Mars is sixteen years old.

  3. Enemies of the state – people who are voted by the judges of the Supreme Court of Mars in a ruling of at least 7:10 guilty votes as enemies who do not uphold the societal values or are of an extreme threat to the society such as terrorists.

Mars Property Leasing Act

Section 1: Property Ownership

All people in the jurisdiction of the United Republic of Mars except for people identified as enemies of the state have the right to:

  1. All property is possession of the municipal government underlying the provincial, and federal governments.

  2. Agreement to lease property from the government last between 10 and 100 years depending on municipality and zoning type, and can be extended.

Martian Constitution Section 1

Constitution Outline

Martian Constitution Section 2

Constitutional Amendment

Martian Constitution Act Section 1

The Structure of the Government

Martian Constitution Act Section 1

Distribution of Legislative Powers

Entrenched Rights Section 1

The Rights of the People

Entrenched Rights Section 2

The Rights of the Planet

Rights and Freedoms Section 1

The Rights of the People

Rights and Freedoms Section 2

The Rights of the Environment

Martian Justice Act Section 1

The Rights of the People (Justice)

Martian Justice Act Section 2


Mars Property Leasing Act Section 1

Property Ownership